TSS franchisees share their thoughts on the highly ranked franchise

At the heart of any business endeavor, there is a set of values which drives the decisions made by key stakeholders. In this way, like in so many others, the franchise system is special.

When discovering and researching franchise opportunities, a future franchisee must find the perfect fit. Among the many determining factors, a potential buyer must ultimately find a franchise business that they will be interested in marketing and building. It must also be a viable business for the buyer’s location. However, possibly the most crucial factor is whether the franchisor and the potential franchisee share common values.

Have you thought about buying your own franchise business? Do you know which business values you hold most dear? Keep reading to learn which ones rise to the top according to the TSS Photography franchise owners during a recent Franchise Business Review survey.

TSS Photography franchisees ranked their franchisor 12 points and 15% higher than the national benchmark for living their CORE values!

Trusting Relationship

One of the most important values a franchisee and a franchisor must share is a strong desire to establish a trusting relationship. See what some of our franchisees had to say about their relationship with TSS:

  • “My Franchisor has strong values that show he really wants me to succeed at my business, and he would never do anything to prevent me from growing.” – Saundra & Brian Banning

  • “I truly believe they care about my success in this business, and their success is for me to be the best.” – Tim Reason

  • “We strongly feel we are valued and that our franchisor has the best interest of their franchisees at heart.” – Lindsay Verdun

  • “When talking to the staff face to face, you can see their concern for your success.” – Gerald Jordan

  • “This franchisor very much wants us to succeed. If we succeed, they succeed. But it’s more than just that. It’s more personal.” – Joan Hollander

Desire for Improvement

If you’re not the type to constantly seek ways to improve the business, a TSS Photography franchise is not the right choice for you. At TSS, everyone is working to create a higher-quality product while being more efficient with time and resources.

  • “I think TSS will do anything to help me succeed. All I need to do is ask. I’ve never been told ‘no’!” – Mike Tuckner

  • “[We all believe in] aggressive development of products and services to stay competitive with local competitors.” – Jack Braden

Vision for the Future

Working together to find a successful pathway for each TSS Photography franchise to thrive is valued by everyone involved and consistently rises to the top of the vital values list.

  • “I’m more than satisfied with senior management. I believe that Jack Counts is the ultimate entrepreneur and has so many fabulous ideas. He is willing to put money behind them to help them come to fruition. I believe that his leadership team is competent and passionate about their work.” – Victoria Schafer

Dedication to Partnership

The backbone of the franchise system is the idea of partnership. Both groups bring something specific to the relationship, but without the dedication to this beneficial relationship, neither party will thrive. Luckily, our franchisees believe their franchisor is completely invested in the relationship.

  • “We’re pleased with the training and support we have been receiving. We primarily use email for support and training questions, and those response times have been improved and have been excellent in the last year.” – Lindsay Verdun

  • “Franchise support is amazing. [They are] forward-thinking, proactive, and kind. This theme of greatness is throughout the entire operation.” – Anonymous

  • “The quality of their support is always very detailed, and their personal attention to any technical or marketing issues is fantastic.” – Tim Reason

  • “This is a great franchise system. I’ve been doing this for 30 years, and this is the best support and attention we received, ever!” – Lori Greene


Following the same old path, providing the same old products, in the same old way won’t create a future filled with success. This is one of the areas where TSS Photography exceeds expectations.

  • “TSS is above average all the way. The owner is innovative and constantly seeking to improve the franchise system.” – Saundra & Brian Banning

  • “TSS is a great opportunity for anyone in the photography business. They continually strive to give us fresh tools and resources to accomplish what we desire.” – Jack Pasco

How Do Your Values Stack Up?

There are territories ready for a new franchisee to take the reins and build a great business with us. Are you ready? If your values align with ours, contact us today to talk with someone who can help you get the process started.

If you’d like to learn more about TSS Photography, who we are, and what we do, download our virtual brochure. Take your time, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions.

We are truly only successful if our franchisees are successful. All our ideas and goals are designed to be mutually beneficial. We are constantly moving forward.